Sunday, November 17, 2013

Luke Buchanan

How to Balance Work Schedule with Health: Kristen Hine

Kristen Hine is a busy woman. It takes a lot of long work days to become the #2 saleswoman in your region, as Kristen Hine, a medical and pharma sales rep, has done. It would be easy for such a lifestyle to begin to take over one’s life, to become an obsession: it would be easy to become a workaholic. Kristen Hine avoids this pitfall by using her competitive edge and hardworking attitude in two totally different arenas: the workplace, and the world of fitness. Kristen Hine is a devoted fitness enthusiast who keeps a close eye on her health. For Kristen Hine, getting good results is all about balance. Here she shares a couple ways to balance work with your personal health.

  • Get your priorities straight. Kristen Hine knows that sometimes the allure of the TV or a nice, relaxing sit on the couch can be undeniable, and she does not advocate denying yourself that urge. But at the same time, she says, it is vital to stick to your fitness regimen, or your dietary goals, in order to achieve results. Force yourself out of bed instead of hitting the snooze, so you can get those extra ten minutes at the gym, Kristen Hine says. Your body will thank you in the long run.
  • Compromise. If you simply do not have the time to get to the gym, at least walk part of the way to work, Kristen Hine advises. The increased heart rate of even a few minutes’ walking will help boost your metabolism through the work day. If you cannot avoid eating at fast food restaurants, Kristen Hine says, at least try to order a salad.
  • Start small. Big change is rarely effected all at once; instead it comes as a series of small changes. Kristen Hine’s tip is to take it slow. Start by replacing one meal a day with a protein shake or a fruit and vegetable smoothie. Start by parking at the way end of the lot and walking that extra half-mile. Kristen Hine knows these seem like tiny things, but she insists that they will snowball over time into a new, more healthy and well-balanced you.
Balancing work with your health can seem like a daunting task, but Kristen Hine says that it should be one you begin immediately. There is nothing more important than staying healthy for yourself and for your loved ones.

Kristen Hine

Shanisha Kurani